About me

Ireneusz Mierzejewski

My name is Ireneusz Mierzejewski. I am an osteopath.

In my case, osteopathy has become a passion and a vocation around which my entire professional career has been built. I have a Master’s degree in physical rehabilitation, I am a graduate of the University of Physical Education in Wrocław. I am also a certified osteopath, a graduate of 5-year courses of Academy of Osteopathy in Poland, representative of the Ostepathie Schule Deutschland.

I take pride in my nearly 30 years of experience in the field of physical therapy. I came across osteopathy for the first time in 2006, and in 2013 I received a Master’s degree in osteopathy.  In 2015 I got the title of a certified osteopath. I have also graduated from numerous post-diploma courses relating to physical therapy and osteopathy. (The courses in the field of osteopathy refer to the work with newborn infants/children, pregnant women, and adults.)

You can further examine my qualifications here.
Osteopata Wrocław - Ireneusz Mierzejewski certyfikat ukończenia 5 letniej edukacji